Marc Vandersmissen (Liège, 1987) graduated from the University of Liège in 2010 with a master's degree in didactics in classical languages and literature. After a year as a research associate, he specialised in the study of Greek and Roman theatres in the framework of a doctoral thesis funded by a F.R.S.-FNRS grant (2011-2015) and defended in March 2015. In 2019, the results are published in the Latomus collection by Peeters Publishers, in the form of a monograph entitled “Discourses of Female Characters in Seneca”. He is also participating as a post-doctoral researcher in the LASLA “Ovidian Textual Motifs” project (2018-2020). More generally, his work focuses on dramatic and poetic literature, discourse studies, gender studies and digital humanities. His research is the subject of conferences and publications in Belgium and abroad.
In parallel to his research, Marc Vandersmissen was active as a professor-assistant at the University of Liège (2010-2015), as a teacher at the Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles (2017-2018) and at the Haute École de la Ville de Liège (2019-2020), where he taught, among other things, the didactics of French and the mastery of French and oral language.
Today, he is a professor of “pedagogy combined with a scientific approach and research attitudes” within the Pedagogy Department of the Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles, where he is also responsible for pedagogical coordination. There he continues his pedagogical reflection, which he shares with the students of the department. He is also still a scientific collaborator at the University of Liège and a member of the editorial board of the Latin studies journal, "Latomus".