
The courses at the Conservatoire are based on a 'concentric' model. At the heart of the programme are the courses which focus on the student's main discipline: instrument lessons, voice lessons, drama lessons and all other courses which are the "principle disciplines" which candidates have been preparing for many years, and which are their main reason for coming to the Conservatoire. In the 'first circle' surrounding the core subjects, students take courses which are directly related to their primary discipline, and which support them in their practice of that main discipline: for example, courses focusing on "musical education" in its broadest sense, physical and vocal training for actors, etc. In a 'second circle' are the courses which are designed to help students understand the historical contexts which shaped the musical or theatrical languages which are at the heart of their studies. These courses aim to give students the tools to better understand the world which they will enter when they finish studying, thereby making for the smoothest possible transition into professional life. It goes without saying that there is plenty of interaction and numerous links made between the courses, and thus this presentation of a model of 'concentric circles' is simply an indication of our school's teaching philosophy.

The "heart" of the training...
Subjects in the 'first circle'...
Subjects in the "second circle'...


Faculty : Nicolas Achten - Lionel Bams - Dimos de Beun - Pierre Brunello - Raphaël Collignon - Marie Datcharry - Julie Delbart - Gabriel Diaconu - Pierre Feraux - Thierry Fievet - Caridad Galindo Rueda - Tomoko Honda - Ryoko Katayama - Philippe Navarre - Beniamino Paganini - Anne Van den Bossche - Thomas Waelbroeck


Faculty : Vincent Bruyninckx

African dance

Faculty : Sidonie Madoki - Marc Maikissa

Baroque and classical bassoon

Faculty : José Rodrigues Gomes

Baroque and classical flute

Faculty : Jan De Winne - Carlota Ingrid García

Baroque and classical oboe

Faculty : Benoît Laurent

Baroque cello

Faculty : Frédérique Aronica - Hervé Douchy - Marc Vanscheeuwijck

Baroque harp

Faculty : Nicolas Achten

Baroque violin

Faculty : Benoît Douchy - Mira Glodeanu

Bass guitar

Faculty : Michel Hatzigeorgiou - Benoît Vanderstraeten

Basso Continuo

Faculty : Paolo Zanzu


Faculty : Pierre Kerremans - Gordon Fantini


Faculty : Romain Dhainaut - Marinela Doko - Marie Hallynck - Francis Mourey - Didier Poskin

Chamber music

Faculty : Vinciane Baudhuin - Guy Danel - Aymeric De Villoutreys - Elisabeth Deletaille - Daniel Demoustiez - Romain Dhainaut - Muhiddin Dürrüoglu - Jean-Marc Fessard - Laurent Haye - Francis Mourey - José Rodrigues Gomes - Daniel Rubenstein - Igor Semenoff - Gabriel Teclu - Bernard Woltèche

Choral conducting

Faculty : Charles Michiels


Faculty : Vincenzo Casale - Nathalie Lefevre - Ronald Van Spaendonck - Christian Gossart

Comparative history of the arts

Faculty : Anne de Jaeger


Faculty : Martin Loridan - Lukas Ligeti

Computer-Assisted Music

Faculty : Edwin Clapuyt



Faculty : Cindy Besson - Bernard Gahide - Jésus Germeau - Jacques Neefs - Marie Avril

Double Bass

Faculty : Adrien Tyberghein

Dramatic Arts

Faculty : Anne-Claire - France Bastoen - Daphné D'Heur - Michael Delaunoy - Jean-Baptiste Delcourt - Angelo Dello Spedale - Christine Delmotte - Serge Demoulin - Diane Fourdrignier - Nicolas Pirson - Aurélien Dony - Jean-Michel Distexhe - France Bastoen


Faculty : Thomas Grimmonprez - Thierry Gutmann

Ear training

Faculty : Pirly Zurstrassen

Early Music Theory

Faculty : Benoît Laurent

Educational Psychology

Faculty : Pierre-Noël Latour - Isabelle Léonard - Marc Vandersmissen - Sarah Steppé

Elements of social psychology

Encyclopedia of music

Faculty : Olivia Wahnon de Oliveira - Fanny Rifflet

Ensemble singing

Faculty : Charles Michiels


Faculty : Hélène Sechehaye


Faculty : Isabelle Bialek - Baudoin Giaux

Foreign languages

Faculty : Gerlanda Cipolla - Christiane Gleis - Gérald Philippe - Arvindan Thekkadath

Formation musicale (basic musical training)

Faculty : Gilles Carlier - Emmanuel Clacens - Vincent De Boever - Yves Deguelle - Sophie Louckx

General didactics

Faculty : Sarah Goldfarb


Faculty : Hugues Navez - Camille Pla - Thomas Vanin


Faculty : Annie Lavoisier


Faculty : Dimos de Beun - Frédérick Haas - Beniamino Paganini

History of Jazz

Faculty : Hugues Warin

History of literature

Faculty : Christophe Van Rossom

History of Music

Faculty : Gilles Remy - Margaux Sladden

History of performance

Faculty : Christophe Van Rossom


Faculty : Jean-Pierre Dassonville - Pascal Moreau







Faculty : Thomas Baeté

Introduction to African rhythmic traditions

Faculty : Muriel Kouyaté

Introduction to Afro-Cuban rhythms

Faculty : Ruben Hernandez

Introduction to cultural politics

Faculty : Jean-Gilles Lowies

Introduction to Indian Rhythm

Faculty : Balakumar Paramalingam

Introduction to Indian Rhythm

Introduction to Mediterranean and Middle Eastern rhythms

Faculty : Simon Leleux

Introduction to music therapy

Faculty : Francis Debrabandère

Introduction to philosophy

Faculty : Pascale Seys

Introduction to psychology

Introduction to sociology

Faculty : Cyrille Thoulen

Introduction to South American rhythms

Faculty : Victor Da Costa

Introduction to the historical dances

Faculty : Bart Lieven

Introduction to the TaKeTiNa Method

Faculty : Tania Bosak

Introduction to the traditional dances of Europe

Faculty : Aurélie Giet

Introduction to Western rhythm teaching methods

Faculty : Sarah Steppé

Jazz arranging

Jazz Double bass

Faculty : Samuel Gerstmans

Jazz ensemble

Faculty : Phil Abraham - Fabrice Alleman - Vincent Bruyninckx - Victor Da Costa - Manuel Hermia - Michel Paré - Alain Pierre - Phil Abraham

Jazz flute

Faculty : Fabrice Alleman

Jazz guitar

Faculty : Fabien Degryse - Victor Da Costa

Jazz harmony

Faculty : Michel Paré - Yannick Schyns

Jazz piano

Faculty : Vincent Bruyninckx - Eric Legnini

Jazz rhythm

Faculty : Gilles Carlier - Santo Scinta

Jazz Singing

Faculty : Pete Churchill

Jazz trumpet

Faculty : Michel Paré

Jazz violin

Faculty : Françoise Derissen

Legal and Judicial Aspects

Faculty : Dominique Kaesmacher

Listening commentary

Faculty : Margaux Sladden

Listening commentary

Listening commentary

Listening commentary

Listening commentary

Faculty : Frédéric Degroote

Listening commentary

Listening commentary

Faculty : Martin Loridan - Cyrille Thoulen

Listening commentary (guitar)


Faculty : Nicolas Achten


Faculty : Jean-Gilles Lowies

Methodology for spoken French

Methodology for spoken French

Faculty : Margaux Frichet

Methodology for spoken French

Methodology of rhythm teaching

Movement for the stage

Faculty : Isabelle Beirens - Gérard Hubert - Lisa Coppi

Musical Analysis

Faculty : Edwin Clapuyt - Cyrille Thoulen

Natural horn

Faculty : Jean-Pierre Dassonville


Faculty : Eric Speller


Faculty : Marianne Pousseur


Orchestral conducting

Faculty : Robin Engelen


Faculty : Martin Loridan


Faculty : Thomas Kientz - Benoît Mernier - Benoît Mernier


Faculty : Florence Bellière


Faculty : Pierre Quiriny


Physical Training

Faculty : Isabelle Beirens - Lisa Coppi


Faculty : Victor Chestopal - Valentina Igoshina - Yoko Kikuchi - Eliane Reyes - Salvatore Sclafani - Johan Schmidt - Gabriel Teclu - Myriam Ayari - Timothée Urbain - Andrei Marta


Piano (second instrument)

Faculty : Jean-Pierre Ockerman

Piano accompaniment

Faculty : Philippe Riga

Piano d'accompagnement

Piano for singers

Faculty : Geneviève Pirotte


Faculty : Claire Chevallier - Thomas Waelbroeck

Practical anatomy and kinesthesia

Faculty : Alain D'Ursel

Practical approach to world percussion

Faculty : Philippe Mobers

Practical Harmony

Faculty : Ivan Couëffé - Benoît Jacquemin

Practical Harmony

Faculty : Vincent Bruyninckx - Yannick Schyns - Pirly Zurstrassen

Practical introduction to body awareness approaches

Faculty : Catherine Delasalle

Practical introduction to Jaques Dalcroze eurhythmics

Faculty : Valérie Huguenin

Practice and experience of rhythm

Faculty : Arnould Massart

Psychology and neuropsychology of rhythm

Faculty : Baptiste Chemin


Faculty : Benjamin Beck - Vincenzo Casale - Ivan Couëffé - Jean-Frédéric Molard


Faculty : Alain Pierre - Pirly Zurstrassen


Faculty : Frédéric de Roos - Nathalie Houtman - Laura Pok - Tomma Wessel

Rhythm and movement

Faculty : Carine De Vinck

Rhythmic theories and notations


Faculty : Vincent David - Asagi Ito - Pieter Pellens - Pieter Pellens

Saxophone jazz

Faculty : Fabrice Alleman - Manuel Hermia


Faculty : Nicolas Achten - Michèle Massina - Jean-François Rouchon - Christine Solhosse - Stephan Van Dyck - Céline Vieslet - Robert Expert - Robert Expert - Emmanuel Olivier


Specialised didactics

Faculty : Charlotte Danhier - Grégory Deboulle - Philippe Doyen - Véronique Gilis - Bernard Guyot - Nathalie Lefevre - Karine Lemmens - Charlotte Otte - Yannick Schyns - Pascale Simon - Sachiko Yoshida

Temperaments and chords

Faculty : Nicolas Achten

Text Analysis

Faculty : Laure Tourneur


Faculty : Frédéric Degroote


Therapeutic and educational applications of the rhythmic field


Faculty : David Rey

Trombone jazz

Faculty : Phil Abraham - Phil Abraham


Faculty : Hervé Noël



Faculty : Vladimir Bukač


Faculty : Frédéric d'Ursel - Nicolas Dupont - Vincent Hepp - Kerstin Hoelen - Shirly Laub - Tatiana Samouil - Aki Saulière - Ayako Tanaka

Violone and Double bass

Faculty : James Munro

Vocal chamber music

Faculty : Thibaut Lenaerts

Vocal training

Faculty : Jean-François Brion - Angelo Dello Spedale - Aline Janssens


Faculty : Benoît Chantry - Salvatore Gioveni - Aldo Platteau - Yannick Schyns - Adrien Tsilogiannis


Faculty : Vinciane Baudhuin

Faculty : Barbara Meunier

Faculty : Antonio Segura

Faculty : Maria Douvalis