"Théâtre et Arts de la Parole" public examinations #3



"Théâtre et Arts de la Parole" public examinations #3

Come to see the public drama examinations of the master's students. Presentations of the collective creation ‘UFO’ based on the work of Ivan Viripaev.

June 19 2024 19:00 > June 22 2024 19:00

19, 20, 21 and 22 June 2024 from 7pm to 10pm

Going from yourself to the other is not self-evident. 
However, in the theatre, it is often just that: from oneself to the partner, from oneself to the collective, from oneself to the spectator(s).
to the collective, to the spectator(s). 
As students and teachers, we were keen to share a rich and unique experience of otherness. We wanted to confront the vertigo of lines, borders and shifting, elusive limits.

O.V.N.I : 
[We don't know exactly what it is. We do know, however, what it is not: neither shooting stars, nor aeroplanes, nor rockets, nor drones, nor optical illusions, nor reflections of interstellar light, nor probes, nor satellites, nor anything in truth that has ever been catalogued].

It was Ivan Viripaev who paved the way. The Russian playwright seizes on this breach in the Other, the Elsewhere, that-which-is-more-than-yourself, to give us food for thought about the things in our lives that stubbornly elude us. 

By the way, you may not know it, but your neighbour on the right is an extraterrestrial, your neighbour on the left is an extraterrestrial.
neighbour on the left is an extraterrestrial. You'll tell us that you can't see it, but here you are at the heart of our explorations.
but here you are at the heart of our exploration of the invisible, the unspeakable, what we can't identify with the naked eye, what words struggle to express. 
Extraterrestrials know this very well: after four years of study, it would be tempting to aim for mastery of the stage and the work of interpretation, tempting to look back and proudly appreciate the ground covered and the treasure trove of skills acquired. We took the opposite route. We had to forget the normal and summon the strange, the unfamiliar, tear up our habits, and believe in the abyss of infinite possibilities that bodies, voices, words, light and space still have to offer.
It is into this vertigo that they draw us, into this abyss where we grow to feel so small, so fragile; into this space where the dialogue between the intimate and the extimate disposes us, spectators as well as actors, to make Encounter. 

Théâtre Marni
Rue de Vergnies 25, 1050 Ixelles
Free admission, with reservation

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