Taïko masterclass by Maïa Aboueleze


Rhythms and rhythmics

Taïko masterclass by Maïa Aboueleze

This masterclass will take place from 9.30am to 12.30pm.

January 28 2025 09:30

Lecture on taiko: (its origins, technical and musical features, and the particularity of the Sukeroku style practised by Maïa Abouelez), with supporting demonstrations.

Discovery workshop with BaRR students:
The Sukeroku-style taiko she teaches is a total practice, a blend of rhythm, martial art and dance. So it's very popular with percussion fans, but also with people who love movement, dance and the martial arts.

Maïa Aboueleze is a French artist born in 1981 who currently lives in Brussels.
In 2000, she studied history at the UCO in Angers and dance at the Conservatoire d'Angers before turning to theatre in Paris. It was here that she discovered Sukeroku-style taiko in the classes of
Mariko Kubota-Sallandre.
In 2011, having moved to Brussels, she was awarded the Vocatio grant (Queen Fabiola Foundation) and left to train in Tokyo with Seido Kobayashi, founder of the Sukeroku style.
Since then, she has continued to develop artistic partnerships in France and Belgium, while creating her own personal style. She also gives workshops in Brussels to introduce people to the particular Sukeroku style. She has toured in France, Belgium, England and Spain.

Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles
Auditorium Joseph Jongen

17 rue du Chêne - 1000 Bruxelles

Active participants: BaRR students/ as auditors: open to all students

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