Classical and Contemporary Music
Restitution of the FRArt project
Rethinking the body of the piano and its vibration: extended pedal for new intra-piano playing
February 8 2023 12:30
The extended pedal is an innovative system allowing precise control of dampers beyond the keyboard. The result of a research project led by Martin Loridan with the support of the FNRS, the device is a physical extension that is grafted onto the piano, allowing access to the damper pedal from a distance. Remote control of the dampers considerably broadens contemporary piano playing, creating new avenues for creation.
In this final performance of the project, four works revisit the intra-piano and its reverberation towards new sound worlds:
Reverberated Impacts (2022) - Tom De Cock, percussion
Reverberated Grain (2022) - Tomoko Honda and Sara Picavet, piano
Reverberated Feedbacks (2022) - Gian Ponte, piano
Reverberated Breath (creation) - Jean-Marc Fessard, clarinet
Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles
Régence Site I Grande salle
Régence street 30 - 1000 Brussels - BELGIUM
Free entrance without reservation*
*Within the limits of available seats