Purcell : Dido and Æneas


Classical and Contemporary Music

Purcell : Dido and Æneas

November 21 2024 20:00

A real opera production at the Conservatoire! After a residency as part of the Automne Musical of Spa, Collegium Muiscum brings you its version of Purcell's opera. Directed by Sigrid t'Hooft. Prologue and epilogue have been concocted by the participants in the project. It's a fresh and contemporary version, with no hesitation in dealing with topical issues.

Bernard Woltèche, conductor

Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles
Auditorium Joseph Jongen

17 rue du Chêne - 1000 Bruxelles

Free - online reservation required
Ticketing information coming soon

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