Variaton Orchestra - Evolution


Symphonic concert

Variaton Orchestra - Evolution

Where does the machine end and the human begin?

July 1 2023 20:00

Under the artistic direction of Droujeloub Yanakiew, "Evolution" seals the collaboration between the Variaton Orchestra and Swiss-Brazilian photographer and video artist Diego Saldiva.
The project explores the relationship between man and machine. Music and images intertwine to probe the thoughts and feelings of human beings, confronted with the omnipresence of technology in a world of their own making.
Variaton dares to move between the emotionally-charged pages of Mascagni, Pärt and Takemitsu and compositions with a resolutely mechanical tone. These include Arthur Honegger's "Pacific 231", a musical portrait of a gleaming steam locomotive, and Alexander Mossolov's "Steel Foundries".

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Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles
Régence site 
I Grande Salle
Rue de la Régence 30 - 1000 Brussels - BELGIUM