Classical and Contemporary Music
Masterclasse by Momo Kodama
Active participants: student pianists Open to all students
May 8 2024 10:00 > 18:00
10a.m. to 6p.m.
Born in Japan, Momo kodama spent her early years in Europe:
educated at a German school, she attended the Conservatoire National Superieur
de Musique de Paris. She continued her studies under Murray Perahia, Andras Schiff, Vera Gomostaeva and Tatiana Nikolayeva. She is the youngest laureate of the ARD International Music Competition in Munich. Actually she is based in Paris and Karlsruhe.
Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles I Auditorium
Rue du Chêne 17 - 1000 Bruxelles
Coordination, Yoyo Kikuchi