Masterclass - Concert Clarinet and Chamber music


Classical and Contemporary Music

Masterclass - Concert Clarinet and Chamber music

April 4 2025 10:00

Lilian Lefebvre, clarinette
Vincent Martinet, piano

10h00-12h00 Chamber music Auditorium Jongen
10h00-12h00 Clarinet room 117
15h00-17h00 Chamber music Auditorium Jongen
15h00-17h00 Clarinet room 117

12h30 Clarinet and piano recital by Lilian Lefebvre and
Vincent Martinet
17h00 Audition of the CrB clarinet class

Christian Gossart and Jean-Marc Fessard, coordination

Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles
Auditorium Joseph Jongen & Salle 117

17 rue du Chêne - 1000 Bruxelles

Active participants: clarinet and chamber music students. As listeners: open to all students.

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