Music & theatre
La Femme et l'art
A unique evening thought by the Conservatory's faculty. An opportunity to create, to play together and to present artistic ideals that animate the artist's daily work.
March 8 2022 19:00
Presented by UCPCRB
Anne-Claire I Annettte Brodkom I Dominique Cornil I Marie Datcharry I Francoise Derissen I Frédérick Haas I Christophe Herrada I Manu Hermia I Claudine Orloff I Alain Pierre I Burkard Spinnler I Pirly Zurstrassen
Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles
Chêne site I Joseph Jongen auditorium
Chêne Street 17 - 1000 Brussels - BELGIUM
Free entrance*
*Online registration is required.
Thanks to arrive at the latest 30 minutes before the performance. Anyone aged 16 years and older must present a valid Covid Safe Ticket in the form of a QR code (digital or printed) as well as a piece of identification. Thank you for your understanding of these exceptional measures.