Jean-Guy Boisvert masterclass


Classical and Contemporary Music

Jean-Guy Boisvert masterclass

La Belle Aventure - Original works for young clarinetists from renowned canadian composers

January 11 2023 10:00

10:00 > 18:00 : masterclass

La belle aventure originated in the necessity – and the dream – of filling an obvious gap in the Canadian repertoire for young clarinetists.​
Between 2014 and 2021, it has become a vast array of contemporary creation, all aesthetics combined: tonal or neo-tonal, modal, atonal, with proportional notation or contemporary techniques, minimalist, Latin dances, little jazz waltz...
Twenty composers have created with great pleasure more than 150 works, some very short - miniatures - others more elaborate. All are refined, fun or serious pieces of craftsmanship, but demanding whatever their level of difficulty. The most demanding are of the level of competition pieces.

Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles
Chêne Site
I Joseph Jongen Auditorium
Chêne Street 17
1000 Bruxelles - BELGIUM

Artistic coordinator : Nathalie Lefèvre

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