Classical and Contemporary Music
« Hymns to... »
April 23 2025 19:00
Hymns to nature, to love, to beauty, to divinities... There are so many things to celebrate in this world, and even more so in music. This concert is intended as a ‘hymn to hymns’. The choirs of the Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles join forces with the harp and horn classes to present an anthology of tribute music, including Johannes Brahms's Vier Gesänge op. 17, Franz Schubert's Nachtgesang im Walde D. 913 and Gustav Holst's Choral Hymns from the Rig Veda op. 26.
Charles Michiels, conductor
Annie Lavoisier, Charles Michiels and Jean-Pierre Dassonville, coordination
Salle des Glaces du Parlement bruxellois
69 rue du Lombard - 1000 Bruxelles
Free - online reservation required