

Courants d'airs Festival 2022


"This time it's decided, I'm speaking out. Rescued from the fury of our merciless tragedy, my fight is not over. Today I take up the pen, I revive the ashes of my family...". This is what Ismene says to herself the morning she decides to rewrite her story. So she summons Antigone, her sister. She summons the theatre, flamenco and their infinite powers to reinvent reality. She summons her courage to dare to speak to you. She summons you and your emotions. A multidisciplinary rewriting of the myth told by a secondary character, Ismene, who plunges with poetry and humour into the theme of resilience.

April 22 2022 13:00

Lola Chuniaud - Caroline Pastor creation I Lola Chuniaud interpretation I Caroline Pastor danse - choreography I Martin Goossens dramaturgic accompaniment - regard complice I Laura Erba scenography I Christophe Deprez sound & light creation - production I Ariane Livadiotis costumes I Jim Ghedi music I La Brèche - Bloom in progress (Adeline Sicart et Nathalie Arnoult) production / La Maison des Cultures de Saint-Gilles - la Maison de la Création - Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles (un Futur pour la culture) - Centre des Arts scéniques support

Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles 
Chêne Site 
I Tent
Chêne Street 17 - 1000 Brussels - BELGIUM

Free entrance*
*Online registration is required