Courants d'airs Festival 2022
Dance and music merge or separate. Sound and movement support each other and can become one entity or fight each other to create two distinct realities that exist side by side. At times the dance becomes the music and vice versa, and from there a third person is created and emerges into the environment. The performers have metaphorised the theme of water and the mirror. Water becomes, in the course of the images, limpid, beneficial, purifying. An invitation to a reversal of perspective, giving the vision of something that is there in front of us and that we can only reach by turning around on ourselves.
April 21 2022 17:30
Célia Rorive danse & choreography I Damien Brassart music & composition I Cyriel Lucas lighting design - direction I Royen Mulenga scenography I Jason Respilieux - Eva Honings regards extérieurs I Virginie Pfeiffer - La Sombre Cie collaboration I asbl Ravie - Creative District production I Seiji Tanaka - mOtown - Act-Exhibition - Galerie Paolo Boselli - BiestebroekBis - Cinoco - Centre des Arts scéniques thanks
Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles
Chêne Site I Hall
Chêne Street 17 - 1000 Brussels - BELGIUM
Free entrance*
*Registration by name is required and possible until the day before the performance