Bodywork & visualisations


Seminar to explore and free the body/instrument

Bodywork & visualisations

Exploration aimed at better management of the technical gesture, breathing, stress, creativity...

October 3 2023 11:30 > December 5 2023 13:00

Module of 8 classes open to the singing section of the Royal Conservatory of Brussels. Other disciplines welcome!
3rd October 2023
10th October 2023
17th October 2023
24th October 2023
7th November 2023
14 november 2023
21 november 2023
5th December 2023

Registration with Michèle Massina

The working method used by Michèle Massina is a combination of MLC©, the world of singing and the world of sport (mental coaching, sophrology, stress management, etc.).
The MLC© (Méthode de Libération des Cuirasses©) is a holistic approach to the body through awakening movement developed by Marie Lise Labonté, following her own experience of self-healing from a so-called incurable disease: rheumatoid arthritis.

Royal Conservatory of Brussels
Site Chêne
I Room D201
Rue du Chêne 17 - 1000 Brussels

Flexible clothing for bodywork and plaid for comfort