Belgian Music Days - Music Publishing


Classical and Contemporary Music

Belgian Music Days - Music Publishing

Conference: Does the CD still have a future? Surfing the vinyl revival? Streaming or the vicious circle of continuous music? And how can we create a fair climate for artists? These and many other questions will be addressed at the Belgian Music Days event dedicated to the new music sector.

February 15 2024 14:00

13:45 Doors open
14:00 Welcome speech
14:10 Facts and figures (Kunstenpunt) 14:30 Speech by Esther Gottschalk (ECSA) on fair practices and music publishing
15:00 Coffee break (with information market)
15:30 Launch of "The Guidebook to Self-Releasing Your Music" by Matthew Whiteside
16:15 Coffee break (with information market)
16:45 Round table: releasing music on CD, vinyl and via streaming.

Presentations will be given in English.

From idea to concept, from recording to release on CD, LP or online platform. How do you proceed once the seed of your music's release has been planted? This is what we'll be discussing with our panelists who are members of an ensemble, composers or artists. We'll look for best practices, try to identify pitfalls and find the key to good partnerships. Or is it better to become your own publisher?

This industry event is an initiative of ISCM--Flandre in collaboration with Kunstenpunt and the Forum de la Création Musicale.

Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles
Site Régence I Petite salle

30 rue de la Régence - 1000 Brussels

Participation in this event is free of charge, but we ask you to register via this link:

In collaboration with Bozar and KCB
With the support of SABAM and Loterie Nationale

Complete program of Belgian Music Days :

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