Erasmus+ (European Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students) is the EU 2014-2020 programme for education and training, youth and sport. It brings together all the European and international bodies previously involved in education, training, youth and sport, combining seven previous programmes into a single one, Youth in Action. For the programme in the Federation Wallonia-Brussels, the chapter for Education and Training is managed by AEF Europe, and the Youth chapter is managed by the BIJ (Office for International Youth).
Being open on a global level is one of the essential axes of the artistic and teaching vision of the Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles. Key aims of the teaching programme which the Conservatoire strives to realise in its work include developing the artistic potential of students by increasing opportunities for interdisciplinarity, cross-disciplinary collaboration for artistic projects (the activities of the Conservatoire orchestra and choir, production of theatre and poetic-musical performances, and by favouring cultural crossovers.
The geographical location of the city means that over the centuries Brussels has become a cultural crossroads, and a meeting point for Belgian and international artists (one third of the students at the Conservatoire come from abroad, with 39 different nationalities represented, and numerous professors who also come from outside Belgium), alongside the city's position as the European capital. Belgium's tradition of welcoming people from abroad is helped by the fact that, as this is a small country, Belgian artists tend to be used to crossing borders, and to learning foreign languages easily.
Since the laws came into force ensuring the status of the Conservatoire as an insitution of higher education in the arts, the Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles was bound to become an active part of the programme for European mobility. The above paragraphs to this effect form part of the introduction to the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education, obtained in 2004, which allow the Conservatoire to send its own students and teachers abroad to higher education institutions in 31 countries, and also to welcome teachers and students from these institutions.
Erasmus Coordinator
Salvatore Gioveni
Erasmus CODE : B BRUXEL 07
Semester 1 : 01/09 to 31/1
Semester 2 : 1/2 to 30/6